Showing 97–98 of 98 results

  • Stunning/Knocking


    Jarvis USSS-2E  Non-Penetrating, Halal Compliant, Pneumatic Stunner. Designed for smaller operations at an economy price. Renders the stunned animal insensible to pain with one humane shot. Faster pressurization leading to...


    Jarvis USSS-1E Penetrating Pneumatic Stunner. Designed for smaller operations at an economy price. Faster pressurization leading to more consistent stunning. Efficient; uses 25% less air with no performance loss. Improved...

    USSS-22A Pneumatic Stunner

    The Jarvis Model USSS-22A- pneumatically operated high speed, non-penetrating stunner for cattle and veal. Unique design renders the stunned animal insensible to pain, without penetrating the skull. One shot humane...

    USSS-2 &2A Pneumatic Stunner

    The Jarvis Model USSS-2 & 2A – pneumatically operated high speed, non-penetrating stunner for cattle and veal. Unique design renders the stunned animal insensible to pain, without penetrating the skull....

    USSS-21 Pneumatic Stunner

    The Jarvis Model USSS-21 – pneumatically operated high speed captive bolt stunner for cattle. Renders stunned animal insensible to pain with one shot humane stunning procedure Newly designed stunning rod...

    USSS-1 Pneumatic Stunner

    The Jarvis Model USSS-1 –pneumatically operated high speed captive bolt stunner for cattle. Renders stunned animal insensible to pain. One shot humane stunning procedure. Better stunning for improved meat quality....

    AST- 107-112 USSS Stunner Tester

    Jarvis manufactures Model AST 107 through AST 112 stunner testers to test out our line of Model USSS penetrating and non penetrating stunners.

  • Hocks & Horn

    Air Circular Breaking Saw & Dehorner

    The Jarvis Model MCS 260 — multi-purpose pneumatically powered breaking saw. The MCS 260 with a full 2 hp motor and a maximum 4 3/8 inch (111 mm) depth of...

    50D-1 Beef Dehorner

    The Jarvis Model 50D-1 – hydraulically powered horn cutter. For beef horns that are not accessible with guillotine type dehorners. For front and hind beef hock cutting through the bone...

    50G Beef Dehorner – Guillotine

    The Jarvis Model 50G – hydraulic powered guillotine style dehorner. Cuts all types of beef horns closer to the skull than traditional shear type dehorners. 1.5 second cycle for high...

    80G Beef Dehorner – Guillotine

    The Jarvis Model 80G — hydraulic powered guillotine style dehorner. Cuts all types of large beef horns closer to the skull than traditional shear type dehorners. 1.5 second cycle for...

    EBS-1H Electric Horn Removal Saw

    The Jarvis Model EBS-1H – electrically powered horn removal saw for beef, sheep and goats. Specifically designed for inexpensive removal of beef, sheep and goat horns. Small and maneuverable for...

    30CL-1 Beef Hock Cutter

    The Jarvis Model 30CL-1 hydraulically powered fore and hind beef hock cutters. Used for front and hind beef hock cutting through the bone or joint. With a 1.5 second cutting...

    30CL-2 Hock Cutter

    The Jarvis Model 30CL-2 pneumatically/ hydraulically powered fore and hind beef hock cutters. Used for front and hind beef hock cutting through the bone or joint. With a four second...

    30CL-3 Hock Cutter

    The Jarvis Model 30CL-3 – hydraulically powered horn cutter for sheep, goats and beef nubs. The 30CL-3 is specifically designed for high production removal of sheep and goat horns.  The...

    30CL-ABC Aitch Bone Cutter

    The Jarvis Model 30CL-ABC – hydraulic powered aitch bone cutter for beef. Cuts beef aitch bones cleanly and effortlessly. Allows a single operator to separate the aitch bone of 370...

    500HC Hock Cutter

    The Jarvis Model 500HC – pneumatically powered hock cutter for hind beef hocks and sow hocks. The 500HC quickly and cleanly cuts rear beef hocks through the joint, and is...

    161-BG Hock Cutter Blade Grinder

    The Jarvis Model 161-BG  for perfect 30CL-1 / 30CL-2 blade sharpening. Accurately sharpens part number 1023161 blades according to original design specifications – reduces material removal for longer blade life....

    JR-50 Robotic Hock Cutter

    The Jarvis Model JR-50 Robotic Beef Hock Cutter for automatic hock cutting operations on the kill floor. Six-axis Robotic Beef Hock Cutter – capable of line speeds of up to...

    BHR-1 Beef Hock Restrainer

    The Jarvis Model BHR-1 – hydraulic hock restrainer for beef. The BHR-1 relieves trolleys and the rail during hide pulling – eliminating the possibility of pulled tendons, broken trolleys or...

  • Head/Tongue

    3HD Head Dropper

    The Jarvis Model 3HD – hydraulically powered hog or beef head dropper. The 3HD quickly and easily severs the head from butcher hogs, sows, boars and beef. Fast – a...

    NBS-1 Table Neck Bone Saw

    The Jarvis Model NBS-1 – hydraulic powered table saw for removing neck bones The powerful, high performance NBS-1, with dual 12 inch (305 mm) horizontal and vertical blade drives, is...

    TBC – Tongue Bone Cutter

    The Jarvis Model TBC – pneumatically powered cutter for cutting beef tongue bones. Ideal for cutting the hyoid bone – in all size kills. Reduces operator fatigue caused by tongue...

    525-TB Tongue Bone Cutter

    The Jarvis Models 525-1 and 525-TB – hydraulic powered hock and tongue bone cutter for sheep. The 525-1 and 525-TB are best suited for sheep hock and tongue bone cutting....

  • Tail/Bung


    The Jarvis DR-2 is a hydraulic powered dag remover and hide cleaner. It instantly removes matted hair and dung from an animal’s hind in one motion. No pre-starting required. Eliminates the...

    TWC-1 Tail Cutter

    The Jarvis Model TWC-1 – pneumatically operated tail cutter for beef and hogs. Removes beef and hog tails quickly and efficiently. One piece clevis for better hygiene. Dual anti-tie down...

    BRE-1 Bung Ring Expander

    The Jarvis Model BRE-1 pneumatically powered bung ring expander. Used for expanding and installing bung rings in the beef industry. Eliminates contamination from the bung areas by sealing the bung....

  • Dehiding

    DRL-1 Dag Remover

    The Jarvis handheld DRL-1 is designed to offer a more versatile user experience when removing matted hair and dung from hides during the winter season, offering exceptional flexibility when working...


    The Jarvis DR-2 is a hydraulic powered dag remover and hide cleaner. It instantly removes matted hair and dung from an animal’s hind in one motion. No pre-starting required. Eliminates the...

    JCIIIA Dehider

    The Jarvis Model JC IIIA – pneumatically powered dehider. The number one skinning tool worldwide for cattle, veal, hogs and sheep. Highest possible hide quality – skins perfectly; no cuts,...

    JCIVA Dehider

    The Jarvis Model JC IVA – pneumatically powered dehider. Constant torque air motor. Speed does not fluctuate due to air pressure change. Dynamically balanced drive mechanism for low vibration and...

    BR-5 Dehider Blade Reconditioner

    The Jarvis Model BR-5 / BR-5A / BR-5B and BR-5D – for perfect dehider blade sharpening. Sharpens 100 mm (BR-5), 110 mm (BR-5A), 90 mm (BR-5B) or 100 mm and...

  • Briskets

    MG-1 Brisket Saw – Hydraulic

    The Jarvis Models MG-1, MG-1HS, MG-1B, MG-1BHS and MG-1BFQ – hydraulic powered brisket saws for beef, hog splitting and forequartering. The powerful MG-1 cuts through all beef briskets quickly and...

    MG-1B Brisket Saw – Hydraulic

    The Jarvis Models MG-1, MG-1HS, MG-1B, MG-1BHS and MG-1BFQ – hydraulic powered brisket saws for beef, hog splitting and forequartering. The powerful MG-1 cuts through all beef briskets quickly and...

    MG-1E Brisket Saw – Electric

    The Jarvis Model MG-1E – electrically powered brisket saw for beef and hogs. The powerful, high-performance MG-1E is designed to cut beef and hog briskets quickly – only 3 seconds....

    EBS-1 Brisket Saw – Electric

    The Jarvis Model EBS-1 – electrically powered brisket saw for beef and veal. Ideal for medium and small beef and veal kills. Small and maneuverable for optimum handling, up to...

    SBR-1 Brisket Saw Sharpener

    Sharpens from 9.5 in (241mm) to 24 in (610 mm) length blades according to original design specifications – reduces material removal for longer blade life. Precision ground teeth reduces operator...

  • Forequartering/Boning/Presentation

    50CL Loin & Forequarter Cutter

    The 50CL quickly and easily severs the loins or forequarters from beef carcasses. Fast – a single operator can handle up to 400 carcasses / hour. Designed for optimum handling...

    Buster V Loin Drop Carcass Splitting Bandsaw

    The high production solution to beef loin dropping. Superfast – a single operator handles 900 beef loins per hour. Performs the cut on the rail – eliminates removal of beef...

    JHS Hand Skinners

    Specially designed for fast and efficient removing of trimming strips, rounds, butts, hindquarters, and loins from pork carcasses. Also useful for ham trimming and de-fatting, fish skinning, removing chicken breast...

  • Knife Sharpening

    HE1 Knife Sharpening System

    For supermarkets, hardware stores and plants that sharpen 50 knives per day or less. Affordable, compact tabletop unit that combines honing and edging capabilities. Sharpens blades of any length. Easy...

    HE2 Knife Sharpening System

    All-in-one unit with grinding and honing stones. Unique spiral-shaped honing/edging stones design ensures consistent, smooth, sharp edges. Sharpens blades up to 14″ (356 mm) ong. Recirculating liquid coolant system provides...

    HE7 Honer/Edger

    Ideal for high-volume knife users. Unique, spiral-shaped honing/edging stone design ensures consistent, smooth, sharp edges. Sharpens blades up to 16” (406 mm) long. Recirculating liquid coolant system provides burn-free and...

    HG4CU/HG6CU Hollow Grinder

    • Ideal for high-volume knife users. • Available with Ø4” (102 mm) or Ø6” (152 mm) cup stones. • Thins blades for edging up to 16” (406 mm) long. •...

    HG4S/HE4 Twins (Small) Sharpening System (Hollow Grinder & Honer/Edger)

    Consists of identically sized HG4S Hollow Grinder and HE4 Honer/Edger. System can sharpen up to 400 blades per day. Sharpens blades up to 10” (254mm) long. Unique spiral-shaped honing/edging stone...